Quagsire requires surfing, Octillery requires using a Super Rod. Hoothoot 5%, Spinarak 10%, Mareep 30%, Aipom 10%, Gligar 5%, Snubbull 5%, Stantler 5%, Quagsire 1%, Octillery 1% Heracross 5%, Natu 15%, Xatu 5%, Phanphy 30% Golduck requires surfing, not using a fishing rod. Pinsir 5%, Dodrio 5%, Doduo 15%, Gloom 15%, Rhyhorn 30%, Golduck 5% Gloom 5%, Wobuffet 10%, Doduo 10%, Girafarig 10%, Pikachu 5% Wobuffet 10%, Doduo 10%, Girafarig 10%, Pikachu 5% Generation 3 (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) Safari Zone Pokémon Guide Area Note that the Generation 4 Hoenn Safari Zone (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire) won't be covered here as the player is allowed to engage in ordinary battles in this zone. Tauros 1%, Chansey 4%, Rhyhorn 20%, Venemoth 5%, Paras 15%, Dratini 15%, Dragonair 1%ĭoduo 20%, Exeggcute 20%, Tauros 4%, Kangaskhan 1%, Venemoth 5%, Dratini 15%, Dragonair 1% Kangaskhan 4%, Scyther (Red only) 1%, Pinsir (Blue only) 1%, Parasect 5%, Dratini 15%, Dragonair 1% Generation 3 (FireRed/LeafGreen) Safari Zone Pokémon Guide AreaĬhansey 1%, Scyther (Red only) 4%, Pinsir 4% (Blue only), Parasect 5%, Dratini 15%, Dragonair 1% Located to the south of the northwestern part of Area 3.ĭoduo 15%, Exeggcute 20%, Tauros 4%, Kangaskhan 1%, Dratini 25% To catch Dratini and the other high-value aquatic Pokémon in this area, use a Super Rod. Tauros 1%, Chansey 4%, Rhyhorn 15%, Dratini 25% Located to the northwest of the rest house in Area 2. Kangaskhan 4%, Scyther (Red only) 1%, Pinsir (Blue only) 1%, Parasect 5% This is the area with the entrance to the Safari Zone.Ĭhansey 1%, Scyther (Red only) 4%, Pinsir 4% (Blue only), Parasect 5%, Generation 1 (Red/Blue) Safari Zone Pokémon Guide Area To keep these tables to a reasonable size, we've included only the rarest Pokémon in each area - for exhaustive information, consult the Safari Zone guides at and Bulbapedia.

In the following sections, we'll highlight the rare Pokémon in each Safari zone and give specific advice where applicable. If this number is less than or equal to a, the Pokémon is caught. X Research source When you throw a ball, a random number between 0 and 255 is generated. Where HP max is the Pokémon's maximum HP, HP current is the Pokémon's current HP, rate modified is the catch rate of the Pokémon modified by the ball used (every Pokémon and every ball modifies this in a certain way, and bonus status is the modifier for any status condition (sleep and freeze are 10, all others are 0).