Sri lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf
Sri lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf

sri lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf sri lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf

Sree Adi Sankaracharya and Sree Bhaskararaya had contributed commentaries for Trisati and Sahasranama. It provides details about the construction of Sreepura, in the form of Sree Chakra. The Lalitha Purana explains about the manifestation of Goddess for the destruction of a demon called Banasura. It is presented in the form of instructions imparted to the Agasthya Maharishi by Hayagriva who is an incarnation of Sree Maha Vishnu. It is a hymn that describes the 1000 various names of Sree Lalitha and praises God as the Divine Mother or God’s Shakti or Power. Sri Lalitha Sahasranama is in the 36th chapter of Lalitopakyana in Brahmanda Purana.

Sri lalitha sahasranamam telugu pdf